Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro
Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro
Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro
Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro
Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro
Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro
Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro
Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro
Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro

Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro

Premiato design robusto, compatto, moderno e professionale

Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro

Fornello a 2 fuochi Pinnacle Pro


Premiato design robusto, compatto, moderno e professionale

La stufa Pinnacle Pro è il culmine di oltre 4 anni di ricerca e progettazione per produrre la stufa a doppio bruciatore più sottile e ad alte prestazioni sul mercato. Dopo che il prototipo di pre-produzione di questa stufa ha vinto il prestigioso premio Gear Junkie Best of Show al Winter 2019 Outdoor Retailer Show, sapevamo di aver individuato il design perfetto per coloro che cercano un'esperienza culinaria fantastica, sia al campo base che al tailgating una partita di calcio (quando potremo rifarlo, ovviamente!).

La stufa Pinnacle Pro di GSI Outdoors utilizza un esclusivo design efficiente in termini di spazio che gli consente di espandersi automaticamente all'apertura e di compattarsi alla chiusura. Questo è in combinazione con due bruciatori ad alta efficienza da 11K BTU e gambe retrattili. Tutto si unisce per ripiegarsi in una stufa da tavolo di dimensioni standard e si restringe fino a 1,4 pollici di altezza per uno stoccaggio ultra compatto. Per una maggiore comodità, il fornello ha un doppio sistema di accensione piezoelettrica e un vassoio antiaderente per una facile pulizia.

SKU: 56015

Weight: 176.0 oz

Material: Magnesio, alluminio, acciaio inossidabile, acciaio, ottone, gomma, rivestimento antiaderente, tessuto in poliestere

Major Dimension: 11000 BTU/ora

Includes: Regulator, 2 Burner Heads, Pot Support, Upper Windscreen, Side Windscreens, Igniter, Handle, 2 Flame Adjusters

Dimensions: 20 pollici x 12,4 pollici x 1,4 pollici

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AVVERTENZA: questo prodotto può esporvi a sostanze chimiche tra cui piombo e monossido di carbonio, note allo Stato della California come causa di cancro e malformazioni congenite o altri danni riproduttivi. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Was like a kickstarter product. Great idea, poor execution.

I’ve cut myself on this stove several times when putting away the wings. The thin metal is already warping, and it just feels like a rushed product. I think the compact part of it- but it’s not a great stove for camping. Takes a while for water to boil and it’s not great in the wind. It’s great how small it gets, but that is about it.

Stephen Cook
The impressive slim form factor is sadly hardly worth the cons

You were probably attracted to this stove because of its slim dimensions, which is definitely very impressive. In fact, it's the main reason I bought this stove because I was working with very tight size restrictions in my drawers and this was the only full 2-stove burner on the market that would fit while closed.

Functionally however, outside of its superior flame control and packability, this stove leaves a lot to be desired. I really really want to love this stove but its performance does not justify its "luxury" price tag.

Here are my main gripes:
1. The piezo igniters are awful and unreliable. It takes ~10 attempts to get a light, and the right-side igniter has now completely failed after one outing and doesn't work at all. You can and should have a back-up lighter to get the fire going... but come on. At this price? It shouldn't be a problem.

2. Because of its very compact size, *every* part of this stove gets extremely hot after prolonged use. You'll sizzle from touching virtually any part of the stove aside from the flame control knobs (thank god).

3. Subpar wind performance. Honestly, I love the idea of the retracting lid/grates. I think it's the future of portable stove design. What is baffling to me is why they chose to have the grate sit so high above the flame. They could easily have lowered the hinge and made the grate sit lower, but they didn't. So now it is less efficient than other competing stoves and nearly useless in strong winds.

4. The "wind shields" are tiny. It seems to me their purpose is more to prop the lid up in place than to actually do any shielding. Their design does allow you to have pot/pan handles hang over the side, which is fantastic on a calm day but not optimal for windy ones.

5. To be clear, the bottom retracting legs are NOT really optional. All the vents are on the underside and the unit lays completely flat without the legs out. So for safety you need to always have the legs extended (unless you happen to have it laying on a setup that allows airflow underneath). They market the legs as giving the stove extra height for better usability, but to me that made it sound like it was possible to use the stove in both positions (legs retracted and legs out) which is not really the case. The legs extended slightly farther out than the width of the stove (~1" each side) so keep that in mind if you're working within a limited space.


Well designed stove.

Vernon Brewster

Very thin stove.

Daniel Moore
impressive quality

This stove is the great! The burners are so effective and heat up super fast. Defiantly recommend to overlanders.